Stereo 2-Way Active Crossover with BSC & Dipole Compensation
A high quality active analog 2-way stereo crossover, offering volume controls, shelving compensations and a choice of balanced or unbalanced inputs and outputs (pre determined upon construction).
24 db/octave Linkwitz-Riley high pass output with volume control and variable baffle step compensation.
24 db/octave Linkwitz-Riley low pass output with volume control and variable dipole compensation.
Volume is set by remote pots (high accuracy dual track DACT type) or by on board trimmers.
Compensation is set by remote selectors, allowing three levels (0, 3 or 6dB) to choose from, or by on board trimmers.
TKD metal film resistors, WIMA FKP (film/foil) Polypropylene capacitors and Burr-Brown OPA2134PA / DRV134PA opamps are default. Alternative components that fit the PCB can be used upon request.
Opamp Bypass capacitors are Rubycon aluminum electrolytics with parallel Vishay MLCC X7R ceramics.
Output DC blocking capacitors are optional.
External output shorting relays prevent “thump” noise upon accidental power shutdown (optional).
Hypex wide band voltage regulators are used for power supply, and an external mains transformer guarantees zero induced hum.
Operating voltage: 13VAC.
Crossover frequency is determined by the chosen resistor values and is not changeable.
Available also in kit form.
“Stand alone” version of the crossover board with all volume pots, shelving pots and shelving caps on board.
The twenty HP/LP filtering caps shown here (left half of the board) are of the polyester film type, and all fit on the top side of the PCB thanks to their small size.
Higher grade film/foil type can also be used, but require double sided assembly due to their much larger size.
The shelving and output DC blocking caps (right side of the board) are high capacitance and therefore must be polyester film in order to be small enough in size.

stand alone - bottom side
“Basic version” of the crossover board has all volume and shelving pots off board, allowing simultaneous L/R control by means of dual track (stereo) pots.
The shelving caps are also off board, which allows them to be physically larger (higher grade).
The twenty HP/LP filtering caps shown here are of the high grade film/foil type, which are too large to all fit on the top side of the PCB. These have become our standard, despite being much more expensive and requiring double sided assembly.
All trim pots are replaced by Molex Conn Headers, which facilitate connections to external (stereo) pots, and all four shelving caps are “jumpered” (white wires).
The output DC blocking caps are also replaced by such headers (shorted from underneath), to facilitate easy connections to output shorting relays.
This can be done only if output DC blocking is not required, as is the case with AC coupled power amps.